Dance Central’s yearly registration fee is as follows: first student -$50.00; family - $90.00.
To complete your registration, a parent must complete the information form, sign and turn in the enrollment agreement, and pay the registration fee.
By signing the enrollment form, you are acknowledging that you understand your monthly tuition charges and procedures for discontinuing classes.
Your registration fee is nonrefundable and is an annual fee. The fee guarantees your place in a class and covers the administrative costs associated with your enrollment.
Class registration is on a first come, first serve basis.
Classes will be closed when capacity is reached.
Classes may be cancelled if they do not meet the requirement of 6 students per class.
Tuition is due on the first day of every calendar month. If monthly tuition is not paid by the 15th of the month, a late fee of $10.00 will be charged to your account. There will be a $25.00 fee for all returned checks.
Each class will receive a total of 34 classes throughout the session.
Tuition is based on the entire session and for simplicity is divided into 10 even payments.
Statements are sent at the beginning of the month to the email address we have on file for the student/parent.